Disclaimer. Success with the programs, products and services we offer will be completely dependent upon the effort, dedication and time any particular individual is prepared to invest. Therefore, outcomes will always result from how much effort, dedication and time are invested. While testimonials shared at this event are accurate and truthful statements reflecting the experiences of the individuals quoted, given without compensation, there is no suggestion that those experiences or outcomes obtained can be reproduced, since the variables that impact them are too numerous and personal to quantify. In addition, most individuals who attend free events do not apply the strategies, techniques, and systems they have learned; and therefore, make little to no money. In light of that, eFreedom cannot and does not make any representation or guarantee of success or earnings of any kind. Your success will inevitably be based on your determination, background, and education, as well as the time and effort you expend in applying what you have learned from eFreedom. Attendees may not solicit anyone who participates in the training through verbal presentations, emails, letters, online marketing, database cultivation, or through any groups or associations.